Writing Assistance
Speak to me, Muse
One can probably safely assume that when Homer invoked the muse of epic poetry, Calliope, to inspire his retelling of the events of the Trojan War, he wasn’t looking for advice on thesis statements or the ubiquitous “5-paragraph format” that supposedly structures good expository writing. And perhaps wisely so: rigid frameworks and inspiration often find themselves in tension with one another, and it takes skill, practice, and talent to navigate a course that ultimately yields compelling academic writing.
Over the 15+ years that I’ve worked with high schoolers, university students, and professionals to improve their written expression, the greatest reward for me as a writing tutor has been to see my students’ innate creative abilities realized on the page. I recognize that it takes hard work to get there, and that not everyone has the same fluency or comfort with writing and language. I’ll work with you to further develop the structural aspects such as grammar, organization, and narrative flow, and we’ll work together to allow you to unleash your own creativity and inspiration.
Whether you really are writing a 5-paragraph essay, or you’re working on a research paper, personal narrative, valedictory speech, or journal article, I look forward to working with you to develop your written voice. I’m happy to discuss some options with you if you’d like to learn more!